When it comes to SEO, using the right strategy is the defining factor. You can try as hard as you
And in today’s competition driven market, effective Time management is all that matters. Every second
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No matter how successful you are, my guess is you want more otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this right now. So let’s go on with it. We’ll walk you through 5 SEO ideas that can surely to boost your rank SERPs.
Effective Competitor Analysis can give you incredible leverage:
You know how in the old days the armies used to spy over their enemies to find out what they are up to so that they can counter them or find ways to beat them in their own game. Although the world is more civilized now, there are still situations where you need the same old methods. The correct term here would be the competition analysis. You need to carefully analyze what your opponent is doing that’s making them rank well and then try to do it even better than them.
Analyzing your competition means that you consider every single thing that they are doing, the better you do it, the better would be your counter strategy. You need to find out things like
- What keywords they are going for?
- What kind of content they are using?
- How much they are spending and where?
- How’s their Social Media Campaign?
You also need to use different keyword research tools for that. The reports generated by these tools would give you details like domain authority, page authority and even number of inbound links. That should give you a good enough idea about what you need to do from that moment on. Copying other strategies might not sound cool but if you want to get better results in less time, this is the way to go. You can use our best keywords rank checker tool to check the rank of a particular keyword.
Create content that stands out:
Creating content isn’t that big of a deal. Creating quality content sure is. But what does quality content even mean? How can you measure that? Well, it’s simple. The quality content is the kind of content that makes you stick to reading or viewing it. You just can’t skip it because it is just that good. So, next time when you are going through any kind of content, try and see if it makes you stay or not. If it does then it probably has something meaningful in it. The next step is for you to figure out what that thing is and then you try to incorporate it in your content. You can also use our best free paraphrasing tool to automatically create stunning content for your website.
Use Google Webmaster Tools:
Keeping track of the performance of your website is really important. This includes regularly checking that the On-Page components of your website are working like they should. This is quite a tedious task but Thanks to Google, they have made it a whole lot easier. If you are haven’t registered your website with Google Webmaster tools then you should do it right away. This is free service provided by Google which allows you to evaluate and maintain your search engine position.

GWT helps you find out how Google is seeing your website. Here is what it tells you about your website
- The most popular searches that make your website rank well
- Other Websites that are linking to yours
- How your mobile website is performing
- What queries are bringing in
most traffic
Leveraging Via Social Media:
If so social media marketing is not the part of your SEO strategy then you have no chance of coming in top because literally everyone else is doing it. Social Media Platforms like Facebook now have engaged audience of all ages. Which means that you have a target audience now that is bigger than ever? Absolutely yes, and you should definitely consider using it to your advantage.
Social Media platforms allow you to interact with your audience in a more direct way. Also, search engines always rank those sites better who they consider more trustworthy. And how do you gain their trust? You do it by linking your website to social media platforms. If you are active on social media and your social media accounts are regularly updated then this makes you look good in the eyes of search engines.
Focus on Optimizing On-Page Components of Your Website:
Make sure that all the On-Page components of your website are all up-to-date and working the way they should. The components that you specifically need to look out for are
- Page load speed
- Title tag and meta description optimization
- Inbound Links optimization
- Content Relevancy is extremely important as per Google Reports
- URL structure
There is a lot more to On-Page SEO that what you see here. This was just to give you a head start. On-Page SEO is basically about all the things that are on your website. You need to optimize all of those things to give your users the best website visiting experience. Off-Page SEO helps attract more audience to your website, and once they are here, the rest is up to your On-page efforts. That’d decide whether you can make them stay on your forum or not.