google penalty

How To Avoid Google Penalty In 2019

With new updates being introduced every day, search engines are trying their best to provide their users with the best web surfing experience. Where these changes help improve user experience, they might affect the rank of your website or in case, might get it penalized. Today we are going to discuss to avoid Google penalty in 2019 be it happens. The Google penalty occurs when you don’t follow the guidelines provided by the search engines or you end up going against the rules defined by the search engines.

If you want your website to be safe from Google Penalty then you need to know what causes website penalization in the first place. There are two basic concepts when it comes to two website penalization. There is a concept called Spamming in which includes excessive an unnatural link building, comments spamming and stuff like that. Another thing is Google’s Algorithmic Updates. When Google introduces a new rule or policy that overrules the previously defined rules. You need to be aware of all of that if you want your website to be saved of Google Penalties.

Steps To Avoid Google Penalty In 2019

Following are some of the things that you should stop doing if you want to avoid getting penalized by Google.

Avoid Links Spamming

Link building is the heart of Search Engine optimization and one of the top ranking factors. If done in the right way, it can produce great results but if you try and go against Google’s link building guidelines and be ready to get penalized. One of the things that Google doesn’t like at all is the buying and selling of links. Google appreciates honesty and it expects the same from you. If you use false means like using paid links then it won’t be good for you website rank.

Here are some of the things that you should avoid doing when it comes to link building

  • Buying and Selling Links
  • Comments Link Spamming
  • Excessive Guest Posting
  • Irrelevant Links Exchange
  • Links Stuffed Content

You need to be moderate when it comes to your link building strategy. Try to keep it as natural as possible because if there is any kind of anomaly then Google is going to find out any way.

Create Rich and Unique Content

Coming up with unique content is not easy. Especially right now when there is literally limitless content about any topic that you can think of. This makes it quite hard to create unique content that would engage your visitors. But there is no other way. You need to do it any way. Creating unique content is all about creativity and discipline. If you think hard enough, you can come up with unique and rich content.

The number one thing that Google hates when it comes to content is plagiarism. Content stealing is wrong and Google takes it quite seriously. Most people get into the trap of following a shortcut and going for content stealing but you should know that it is the fastest way of getting penalized.

If you want your website to avoid getting penalized by Google then here is what you should

  • Consistently Create New Content
  • Avoid Content Spamming
  • Never, Ever publish copied or plagiarized content on your website

If you want to generate quality content automatically then you can use the SEOMagnifier paraphrasing tool for that purpose.

Stay Updated with Google’s Latest Algorithmic Updates

You cannot make yourself follow the rules if you don’t know what they in the first place. We are talking about the latest algorithmic updates that Google and other search engines keep bringing up every day. There have been many incidents in the past where people got kicked out by Google from the search engine rankings even though they didn’t do anything wrong apparently. Their only mistake was they didn’t keep themselves updated with the latest Google Algorithms.

Identifying Algorithmic penalties is quite hard because it not like general spamming penalties and you don’t even get notified about them. The only way you can find out about these penalties is if you keep track of the rank of your website. If it is dropping consistently then you might be doing something that is against Google’s quality guidelines. 

Avoid Negative SEO

Black hat SEO techniques are number cause of Google Penalty. If you are the kind of person who is not interested in under the hood website ranking details and don’t know anything about SEO then you’d probably hire some SEO agency for doing the optimization work. Make sure that they follow the standard SEO techniques and not illegal techniques like spamming.

For that, you first need to be aware of at least some of the basic standard SEO techniques so that you can monitor the work of your hired SEO Company. Most companies would simply just use false means like spamming. Make sure that your SEO team is flowing the latest, standard SEO techniques.  

Pay Attention to Comments Spamming

The number one most common thing that gets your website penalized is comments spamming. This includes both comments i.e. the ones that you do on other blogs and the ones that people do on your blog. Both these things are considered malicious by Google. Comment linking was a trend a few years back but since the new updates by Google, things have changed.

One way to avoid comment spamming is to only comment on forums that are relevant to yours. And for the comments on your forum, make sure to go through your comment section at least once and get rid of the comments that might seem like spam. There are better ways to earn links via commenting but whatever you do, avoid comment spamming at all costs.

Final Words: The SEOMagnifier’s above mentioned are the most common mistakes that beginners do that gets their website penalized. If you want to grow your website then make sure that you avoid spamming of all kinds at all costs and also, keep yourself updated with the new Google Algorithmic updates. You can only get a better rank if you play Google’s rules. And if you plan on using any shortcuts then you better prepare yourself for the consequences as well. That is it. For more details about latest Google’s penalty policy, stay tuned!